Enjoyment of nature on the Alm river - Naturschauspiel
Kneipp therapy in the forrest

When doing Kneipp therapy through the forest along the beautiful green alpine river, we use the forces of nature for our health and wellbeing. In doing so, we rely on the five pillars of the naturopathic teaching of Sebastian Kneipp. We enjoy water applications, get moving in a playful way, deal with medicinal herbs and think about beneficial nutrition.
Water is not only indispensable for them: neither we humans nor the forest, plants and animals can live without it. Everything that lives has stored water in one way or another. Without water there is no life, no growth and no energy.
The Alm becomes a real source of energy for us too.
This event is supported by the EU and the state of Upper Austria with rural development funds.
- group offer (suitable for groups)
- package without accommodation
- duration: 3,00 hours
Naturschauspiel with Maria Hageneder and Hermine Schallmeiner
We hike comfortably along the Almuferweg and stroll in it like in a large natural health resort under the open sky. Our hike begins at the green earth world. There we meet in order not only to get to know the five elements of Kneipp therapy for a healthy life in theory, but to experience them body and soul.
First we turn to the famous Kneipp water treatments and together we research the correct way and effectiveness of treading water, arm casting and arm bath. Because water increases performance, stimulates the immune system, improves blood circulation and sharpens body awareness.
Movement is the second important part of a healthy lifestyle according to Kneipp. We recognize how activity has a positive effect on our body.
Another precious treasure of nature that we can use for our well-being consists in wild herbs and medicinal plants. In terms of holistic medicine, we get to know helpful herbs along the way and dedicate ourselves to their use in the form of teas, juices, ointments, oils, wraps and baths.
We will then find out how we can use food for life and do ourselves good by eating, how we can avoid diseases through our diet or at least influence their course in a favorable manner.
Last but not least, we turn to the question of a beneficial "order of life", like Sebastian Kneipp.
Bookable individually on the advertised dates or as a group on the desired date.
- € 12,00 per person
- bookable from 7 Persons
From | to | |
01.01.2025, | to | 31.12.2025 |
Adults € 12,- per person
Children (up to 14 years) € 5,- per person
Group price adults € 12, - per person
Group price children (up to 14 years) & school class rate € 5,- per person
- Families
- Groups
Upon request
- ÖAMTC Member
- OÖ Nachrichten (news)
4 You Card Steyr Shopping Card Donauregion OÖ
- Suitable for teenagers
- Suitable for seniors
- Suitable for friends
- Suitable for children
- For families
For bookings made directly with your landlord, the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE HOTEL INDUSTRY 2006 (AGBH 2006) apply, see link below: http://www.hotelverband.at/down/AGBH_061115.pdf
The following conditions apply to bookings made through the Traunsee-Almtal Tourism Association:
Organizer reference: Tourismusverband Traunsee-Almtal, registration number GISA number: 15927910 in the trade register.
As of July 1, 2018, the European Package Travel Act (PRG) applies to all packages listed on this website. The Traunsee-Almtal Tourism Association acts as a tour operator. In accordance with the Travel Agency Security Ordinance (RSV), customer monies for package tours offered by the tour operator Tourismusverband Traunsee-Almtal are secured under the following conditions: The down payment is made at the earliest eleven months before the agreed end of the trip and amounts to 20 percent of the travel price. The remaining payment is made at the earliest 20 days before the start of the trip - step by step against delivery of the travel documents to the traveler. Deposits or final payments made in excess of this or ahead of schedule may not be demanded. Deposits or remaining payments are only secured to the extent that the tour operator is entitled to receive them. The security amount will be used primarily to satisfy payments received in accordance with the regulations.
The guarantor for the Tourism Association Traunsee-Almtal is HDI Global SE, HDI-Platz 1, 30659 Hannover. All claims must be filed with TVA-Tourismusversicherungsagentur GmbH, Baumannstrasse 9, 1030 Vienna, within 8 weeks after the occurrence of insolvency in the event of any other loss of claims.
Emergency number: +49 511 3031-566
Subject to changes, printing errors and availability.
Hinterbergstraße 4
4643 Pettenbach
Phone +43 7615 203-800
E-Mail info@naturschauspiel.at
Web www.grueneerde.com/de/grueneerde-we…
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