War Memorial
- All weather
- Suitable for groups
The war memorial was dedicated on the initiative of returnees and reservists on 08/15/1920. The design is by sculptor Exner in Salzburg.
all year
- opened daily
- Can only be viewed from outside
From Salzburg A1 - exit Seewalchen to the traffic light - turn left onto the B152 to Kammer - after the railroad crossing Agerstraße - Gmundnerstraße - Parish Church
From Vienna / Linz via the A1 - exit Schörfling or Seewalchen to the traffic light - turn left onto the B152 to Kammer - after the railroad crossing Agerstraße - Gmundnerstraße - Parish Church
- Parking space: 5
- All weather
- Suitable for groups
- Suitable for schools
- Suitable for seniors
- Suitable for single travelers
- Suitable for friends
- Suitable for couples
- Suitable for children
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Please get in touch for more information.
4861 Schörfling am Attersee
Phone +43 676 87765874
E-Mail pfarre.schoerfling@dioezese-linz.at
Web www.pfarre-schoerfling.at/
Web attersee-attergau.salzkammergut.at
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KriegerdenkmalKirchengasse 1
AT-4861 Schörfling am Attersee
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