Gschmå Platzl Blinklingmoos

Strobl, Salzburg, Österreich
  • All weather
  • Suitable for groups
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)

... the view that inspires!

Grasshopper diversity - the chirping grasshopper - Bank 1
The chirping grasshopper (Tettigonia cantans) is one of the largest native grasshoppers. It can grow up to 35 mm long. It is named after its loud song, which can be heard over 50 m from mid-July. The animals feed predatorily, e.g. on aphids. Like most grasshoppers, the chirping grasshopper lays its eggs in the soil, thus ensuring reproduction of the species before the adults die with the first frosts.

Species-rich wet meadows - an endangered habitat - stele
The Blinklingmoos Nature Reserve is home to a mosaic of raised bog areas, fens, and wetland and litter meadows. These are among the most species-rich habitats in the Salzkammergut. They are not fertilized and are traditionally mowed only once a year in autumn. Due to this special care, numerous different plant species can develop here that cannot survive in more frequently mowed meadows. This abundance of flowers provides a rare habitat for many animals, especially insects.

Abundance of flowers - the Siberian iris - Bank 3
An impressive variety of rare plant species can be found in the Blinkling Moss. One particularly attractive species is the Siberian iris (Iris sibirica), which is highly endangered throughout Europe. This striking purple flowering plant depends on moist meadows that are not fertilized and mowed late. It is one of the ancestors of many iris species planted in gardens. Wild irises are completely protected and may not be picked or dug up.

Butterfly Paradise - the Randring Pearl-bordered Butterfly - Bank 4.
The marginal ringed pearl butterfly (Boloria eunomia) lives on cool, moist meadow edges where pink-flowered snakeweed grows. While the adults feed on the nectar of many different plants, the caterpillars feed exclusively on the leaves of the snake's knotweed. From the end of May to the beginning of June, this butterfly, which is endangered throughout Austria, can be observed in the meadows of the Blinklingmoos.

Set table for birds - the Crimson Rosefinch - Bank 5
Older males of the Crimson Finch (Carpodacus erythrinus) have a characteristic crimson coloration on their head, breast and rump, by which this bird species is easily recognized. It feeds mainly on plants, with seeds and buds of shrubs and deciduous trees being particularly popular. Crimson Rosefinches are gregarious birds that can be found in small troops outside of the mating season. During the long breeding season (from March to August), like many bird species, they have a monogamous seasonal marriage.

Meadow beauty - the broad-leaved orchid - Bank 6
The broad-leaved orchid (Dactylorhiza majalis) is a typical orchid species that can be admired in the wet meadows in spring. The orchid is very well adapted to nutrient-poor conditions. It forms a partnership (symbiosis) with a special root fungus that can better break down nutrients in the soil, making them available to the orchid. Like all orchids, the orchid is very sensitive to fertilization and drainage of meadows.

Valuable habitat - the reeds - Bank 7
On the shores of Lake Wolfgang, near-natural reed beds can still be found in places in the nature reserve. These are of great importance for a variety of living creatures. They serve as nurseries for fish and provide valuable breeding grounds for birds. A number of small animals such as dragonflies, spiders and mussels also live among the reeds. For this reason, bathing in the Blinklingmoos is only allowed in designated areas.


545 m

Accessibility / arrival

only reachable by foot

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • All weather
  • Suitable for groups
  • Suitable for schools
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)
  • Suitable for single travelers
  • Suitable for friends
  • Suitable for couples
  • Suitable for children
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


Gschmå Platzl Blinklingmoos
5350 Strobl

Phone +43 6137 7255

Contact person

Tourismusverband Strobl
Moosgasse 2
5350 Strobl

Phone +43 6137 7255

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