Edt bei Lambach

Edt bei Lambach, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Edt bei Lambach is centrally located in the heart of the picturesque Wels-Land region.

The unique "Wind Well" is the work of a genius! It is a special fountain driven by the winds, featuring a long pole with a wheel on top fixed onto a horizontal shaft. Thanks to high kinetic energies the town´s supply of ground water is secured in the Welser Heide region.

In the past, many wells of the same kind were constructed. But only this one has been preserved and is still in operation. Edt´s outstanding attraction is located in the hamlet of Unterroithen, next to the so-called "Red Chapel" on the federal road number 1, north-east of Lambach.

  • 2.092Inhabitants

  • 21 km²Area

  • 330 m ASLElevation

  • 48.09, 13.89GPS coordinates
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers


Edt bei Lambach
Gemeindeamt Edt bei Lambach
Gemeindeplatz 1
4650 Edt bei Lambach

Phone +43 43 28991
Fax machine +43 7245 2899131
E-Mail gemeinde@edt.ooe.gv.at
Web www.edt.ooe.gv.at

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