Steinerkirchen at the Traun
Steinerkirchen an der Traun, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Staying in Steinerkirchen, you'll enjoy a visit rich in scenic beauty, unspoilt nature in abundance, countless recreation activities and genuine hospitality.
The rural commune of Steinerkirchen by the Traun River spreads over the "Alm Pastures´ Nature Preserve". This unique microcosm of dry zone and detritus habitats is home to a unique Alpine flora.The stunning scenery lends itself to outstanding nature exploration on foot and by bicycle. Those who to bask in nature are strongly recommended to discover the Agrarium Botanical Garden which is a living museum of plants and a premier playground for exploring and enjoying nature. A visit to the Agrarium is a feast for all senses and full of hands-on fun!
Local attractions that are worth seeing include Martin´s Church, the Benedictine Convent´s with its fine paramentic workshop and Almegg Castle, which is noted for being one of Upper Austria´s oldest castles.
The village offers an eclectic life style appealing to a wide variety of people from the most physically active to those seeking to enjoy the cultural arts and intellectual pursuits. What´s more, Steinerkirchen has fine restaurants and entertainment establishments, with a variety of cuisine from simple dining to the finest gourmet.
Ausflugsregion Traun-Ager-Alm
33 km²Area
381 m ASLElevation
48.08, 13.96GPS coordinates
Landstraße 7
4652 Steinerkirchen an der Traun
Phone +43 43 22550
Fax machine +43 7241 225524
Service & information
Tourismusverband Traunsee-Almtal
Toscanapark 1
4810 Gmunden
Phone +43 7612 74451
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