Picture of the holy virgin Mary at the pilgrims church Mariahilf

Tiefgraben am Mondsee, Oberösterreich, Österreich
The Picture which was painted on tin was located on the way up to the basilica to the pilgrimage church until 2016.
​The Picture shows the churchesin Mondsee aboth them Mary and Baby Jesus surrounded bay angels. It was probably drawn and put up by August Haslinger. In the 90s the Picture was Pretty worn down and August Zopf repainted it after the Picture of Mr Bucar.
The place where the Picture is located provides a Beautiful view of the basilica. To this day the Picture has been repainted by Margarethe Graspointner and 2016 in September the Picture was put up where it is located today. 
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Please get in touch for more information.


Picture of the holy virgin Mary at the pilgrims church Mariahilf
5310 Tiefgraben am Mondsee

Phone +43 6232 4166
E-Mail info@ortedesglaubens.at
Web www.ortedesglaubens.at/mondsee

Contact person

Pfarre Mondsee
Kirchengasse 1

E-Mail pfarre.mondsee@dioezese-linz.at

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