Energetik Heidemarie Kolger
Bad Aussee, Steiermark, Österreich
- All weather
Practice of human energetics and school of consciousness expansion.
- Cranio-Sacral-Balancing
- LebensRaumOptimierung
- body-oriented transformational work
- workshops
- by arrangement
General price information
Price directly on request
- All weather
Please get in touch for more information.
8990 Bad Aussee
mobile +43 676 9733675
E-Mail heidemarie.kogler@me.com
Web www.heidemariekogler.com/
Contact person
Mrs Heidemarie Kogler
Energetik Heidemarie Kogler
Altausseerstraße 362
8990 Bad Aussee
mobile +43 676 9733675
E-Mail heidemarie.kogler@me.com
Web www.heidemariekogler.com/
Legal contact information
Heidemarie KolgerDr. Josef-Schreiber-Siedlung 135
AT-8990 Bad Aussee
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