E-Car charging station municipality Eberstalzell

Eberstalzell, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • All weather

for E-cars and E-Motorcycles

Spontaneous charging for two-wheelers and cars without prior registration is possible here.

Operator: Eberstalzell municipality - Energie AG partner


  • Schuko # 5532 2.3 kW (230 volts, 10 amps)
  • Schuko # 5533 2.3 kW (230 volts, 10 amps)
  • Schuko # 5534 2.3 kW (230 volts, 10 amps)
  • CEE blue (camping) # 5535 3.7 kW (230 volts, 16 amps)

Usable around the clock.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • E-Car
  • All weather

Please get in touch for more information.


E-Car charging station municipality Eberstalzell
Hauptstraße 15
4653 Eberstalzell

Phone +43 7241 55550
Fax machine +43 7241 555522
E-Mail gemeinde@eberstalzell.ooe.gv.at
Web www.eberstalzell.at

Contact person

Gemeindeamt Eberstalzell
Hauptstraße 15
4653 Eberstalzell

Phone +43 7241 55550
Fax machine +43 7241 555522
E-Mail gemeinde@eberstalzell.ooe.gv.at
Web www.eberstalzell.at

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