Ferienwohnung Silbermayr

Laakirchen, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Accommodation Booking
Check availability
Number of rooms/beds, maximum occupancy
  • Number of beds: 4

Appartement/Fewo, Bad, WC, 2 Schlafräume

  • Persons (max.): 4
  • Bed rooms: 2
information and service
  • Non-smokers
City tax

€ 2,40

  • Without board
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Ferienwohnung Silbermayr
Gastingerweg 5
4663 Laakirchen

Phone +43 6802 338117
mobile +43 680 3250240
E-Mail lukas.puerimayr@gmx.at

Contact person
Mrs Ernestine Silbermayr
Ferienwohnung Silbermayr
Gastingerweg 5
4663 Laakirchen

Phone +43 6802 338117
mobile +43 680 3250240
E-Mail lukas.puerimayr@gmx.at

Legal contact information

Ferienwohnung Silbermayr
Ernestine Silbermayr
Gastingerweg 5
AT-4663 Laakirchen

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